Greetings Brothers: As I sit here looking at this blank page, I am amazed at how fast the time has gone since our December Stated Meeting. It really does feel like the Installation of Officers was just a few days ago, and I should have more time before I am the one in the big chair in the East. Our next Stated Meeting is Thursday, January 4^th , 2024. This will start my experiment of doing things differently at Lakeville Lodge #353. *Dinner* will be at 6:30 pm. *Masonic Education* at 7:00 pm in the Dining Room. *EA Opening and Closing Practice* at 7:15 pm in the Lodge Room. The* Stated Meeting *is at 7:30 pm in the Lodge Room. Dinner will be Pizza and Pasta from MJ Pizza, and Worshipful Master Todd Whitteberry will provide the Masonic Education and refreshments after the meeting. This is a reminder that the Goal of this change is not to rush through or skip over Masonic Education each month and to give the Officers a chance to practice opening and closing on the other two degrees. *Stated Meeting Agenda Items* * Vote to allow Utility Bills and Insurance Premiums to be paid via Automatic Payments; this must be done each calendar year. (Town of Lakeville, Brightspeed, NIPSCO, I & M Power, Selective Insurance) * Installation of Officer o Brian Hoover (SW), Harold Rowe (Treas), Eric Seavy (Chaplin), Rod Anders (Tyler) * Vote on By-Laws Change o Change to allow Lakeville Lodge to choose to go Dark in July and/or August. * Annual Reports o Treasurer and Secretary Reports * Some new business items I will be bringing up before the Lodge are the planned Festivals for 2024 and some fundraisers, both from the Temple Committee and for the Lodge. *Monthly Calendar* 4^th Stated Meeting 7:30 pm 13^th Founder’s Day 9:00 am (Scottish Rite Cathedral, Indianapolis, IN) 18^th Degree Practice (EA) 6:30 pm 21^st Tressel Board Deadline 26^th Fellowship Night TBA / TBD 29^th Temple Committee 6:15 pm As you may notice on the monthly calendar, the 26^th is Fellowship Night. I am borrowing this from our Brothers at Council Oaks Lodge #745. Once a month, they meet at a bar/pub/restaurant, have dinner and drinks, and hang out. Lakeville Lodge is not providing any funds to support this activity, and each Brother is responsible for themselves. The time and place will be determined at the Stated Meeting. I have scheduled this for the last Friday of the month, but that, too, can be changed. Another item from the monthly Calendar is the Tressel Board Deadline; this is not just for me. This is for all the Brothern of Lakeville Lodge, as I would also like to include your items in these letters. Now, these blurbs could be from how other States do things differently, from Indiana to this Organization having an event on this day. *Masonic Birthday & Anniversary* Birthday Anniversary Lance Roush 1st 55 Thomas Lindenman Steven Diller 3rd 29 Frank Harris Gary Hall 4th 26 John (JD) Ort Jay Carbiener 5th 18 Zachary Moore Michael Wamsley 7th 5 Branden Morris Eric Seavey 10th John Turnage 12th Rod Anders 23rd Phillip Jacobs 24th Terry Weaver 28th James Slutz 29th As a reminder, if you have not sent in your Dues for 2024, please do so as soon as possible, as they are due before January 1, 2024. If you are having trouble paying your Dues or need to make the payment after the 1^st of January, don't hesitate to contact the Dues Committee to let them know. The Lodge will start the collection process for those Brothers who have not paid at the beginning of February. I know it is much easier to say Brother A B will pay his dues at the start of March, then keep calling, texting, emailing, and then sending out pricey Certified Letters. A little info goes a long way. *Ron Clady (Secretary) (574) 784-8448 Brian Hoover (SW) (574) 286-7574 Dean Shinneman (JW) (574) 835-7088* As for a bit of info, if you have not sent back the questionnaire I sent out in mid-November, please send that back ASAP. Part of that is to ensure we have excellent and correct info moving forward. We also have a petition, which will be voted on in February. So, degree work will hopefully start in Late February or early March. In closing, I genuinely look forward to this year as Worshipful Master for Lakeville Lodge #353. I hope you all are as excited as I am to start the year, and before we know it, the year will be over. So, let’s make the most of it. Fraternally Your, Todd C Whitteberry Worshipful Master Lakeville Lodge #353 “Knowledge is Power” – Sir Francis Bacon