Lakeville Lodge #353, Free and Accepted Masons
Lakeville, Indiana

Founded 1867
About the Lodge | Lakeville Lodge Calendar | About Freemasonry | About Lakeville | Grand Lodge of Indiana | Our Mission | Our Vision | For Members | Lakeville Star

Information for Lodge Members

These items provide for ways you can further participate in the Lodge and help support it.

The number one thing you can do to help the Lodge is to find worthy candidates and sign their:

Petition for Membership!

Also of importance is to remember to support the Building Maintenance Fund and the Masonic Charities when paying your dues.

Masonic license plates help promote Freemasonry and raise money for the Lodge. You are no longer required to send the form to Grand Lodge for approval. Just fill it out and bring it with you to the license branch.

Lewis Jewels can be ordered by individual members who meet the qualifications. They can be presented at our annual Father & Son Night.

Eastern Star
is a fraternal organization for women and men that is affilicated with Masonry. Membership is open to Master Masons and their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, widows and other related women. It is a way to increase your involvement with the Fraternity and share it with your loved ones.

The Scottish Rite, York Rite, Shrine and Grotto are affiliated organizations made up of Freemasons that wish to increase their Masonic involvement. They build on the lessons taught by Masonry and each have their own unique philanthropies that allow Masons to give back to their communities.

The Rookie Award Program is open to all Master Masons during their first year of membership. By participating in Lodge activities, you can qualify for this award which rewards new members who become active in the Lodge.

Ask about any or all of these at the next meeting.

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